Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Akathist Hymn to Our Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ.

 (Akathist = Hymn sung while standing)
Kontakion 1: O Mighty Leader in battle and Lord, Conqueror of hell, I, Thy creature and servant, offer Thee songs of praise, for I am delivered from eternal death. Since You possess ineffable loving-kindness, set me free from every peril, as I cry: *Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Oikos 1: Creator of angels and Lord of hosts, open my perplexed mind and tongue to laud Thy most pure name, as of old You did loose the ear and tongue of a man deaf and dumb, who then called out, saying such words as these:
*Jesus most marvelous, Amazement of angels. *Jesus most powerful, Deliverance of fore-fathers. *Jesus most sweet, Exaltation of patriarchs. *Jesus most glorious, Strengthening of kings. *Jesus most beloved, Fulfillment of prophets.
*Jesus most wonderous, Fortitude of martyrs. *Jesus most tranquil, Joy of monks *Jesus most merciful, Sweetness of presbyters. *Jesus most clement, Abstinence of fasters. *Jesus most sweet, Gladness of the godly. *Jesus most honorable, Chastity of virgins. *Jesus eternally existent, Salvation of sinners. *Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 2: As when seeing the widow weeping bitterly, O Lord, You were moved with pity, and did raise her son who was being carried to his burial; likewise have pity on me also, and raise my soul which is deadened by sins, O Lover of mankind, as I cry: Alleluia. (3x)

Oikos 2: Seeking to understand the knowledge that cannot be understood, Philip asked, "Lord, show us the Father." But You answered him: "Have you been so long a time with me, and yet have you not known that I am in the Father and the Father in me?" Therefore, O Unfathomable One, I cry to Thee with fear:
*Jesus, eternally existent God. *Jesus, most powerful King. *Jesus, long-suffering Master. *Jesus, most merciful Savior *Jesus, my most gracious Guardian. *Jesus, purge away my sins. *Jesus, take away my iniquities. *Jesus, pardon my injustices. *Jesus, my Hope, forsake me not. *Jesus, my Helper, reject me not. *Jesus, my Creator, forget me not. *Jesus, my Shepherd, lose me not. *Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 3: Thou who did endue with power from on high Your Apostles who tarried in Jerusalem, O *Jesus, with the warmth of Your Holy Spirit endue me also, who am stripped bare of any good deeds, and grant that with love I may sing to Thee: Alleluia (3x)

Oikos 3: In the abundance of Your mercy, O *Jesus, You did call publicans, sinners and unbelievers. Now disdain me not who am like them, but as most precious myrrh accept this song: *Jesus, invincible Power. *Jesus, infinite Mercy. *Jesus, radiant Beauty. *Jesus, ineffable Love. *Jesus, Son of the living God *Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner. *Jesus, hear me who was conceived in iniquity. *Jesus, cleanse me who was born in sin. *Jesus, teach me who am unprofitable. *Jesus, enlighten me who am darkened. *Jesus, purify me who am defiled. *Jesus, restore me, a prodigal. *Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me. 

Kontakion 4: Having within him a storm of disbelieving thoughts, Peter was sinking. But when he beheld Thee in the flesh, O *Jesus, walking on the water, he knew Thee to be the true God, and taking the hand of salvation, he said: Alleluia. (3x)

Oikos 4: When the blind man heard Thee, O Lord, passing by on the way, he cried, "*Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me." And You did summon him and open his eyes. In Thy mercy enlighten also the spiritual eyes of my heart, as I cry to Thee and say:
*Jesus, Creator of those on high. *Jesus, Redeemer of those below. *Jesus, Destroyer of the powers of hell. *Jesus, Adorner of all creation. *Jesus, Comforter of my soul. *Jesus Enlightener of my mind. *Jesus, Gladness of my heart. *Jesus, Health of my body. *Jesus, my Savior, save me. *Jesus, my Light, enlighten me. *Jesus, deliver me from every torment. *Jesus, save me despite mine unworthiness. *Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 5: As Thou did redeem us from the curse of the law by Thy divinely-shed Blood, O *Jesus, likewise rescue me from the snares in which the serpent has entangled us through the passions of the flesh, lustful suggestions, and sinful despondency, as we cry to Thee: Alleluia. (3x)

Oikos 5: When the Hebrew children saw in human form Him who with His hand formed man, they understood Him to be the Master, and with branches they made haste to please Him, crying, Hosanna. But we offer Thee song, saying: *Jesus, True God. *Jesus, Son of David *Jesus, pre- eminent King *Jesus, spotless lamb. *Jesus, Shepherd most wonderful. *Jesus, my Guardian in infancy. *Jesus, my Guide in youth. *Jesus, my Praise in old age. *Jesus, my Hope in life. *Jesus, my Life after death. *Jesus, my Comfort at Thy judgement. *Jesus, my Desire, put me not to shame in that day. *Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 6: Fulfilling the prophetic words of the God-bearing heralds, O Jesus, Thou did appear on earth, and though Thou art uncontainable, Thou did dwell with men and bear our griefs. Whence we were healed by Thy wounds and learned to sing: Alleluia. (3x)

Oikos 6: The light of Thy truth shone upon the world, and demonic deceit was dispelled. For idols fell down, unable to withstand Thy power, O our Savior. But we who have received salvation cry to Thee: *Jesus, Truth that dispels deceit. *Jesus, Light that surpasses all brightness. *Jesus, King Who excels all in strength. *Jesus, God Who abides in mercy. *Jesus, Bread of life, fill me who am hungry. *Jesus, Fountain of knowledge, refresh me who am thirsty. *Jesus, Garment of gladness, clothe my corruptness. *Jesus, Veil of joy, cover my unworthiness. *Jesus, Giver to those who ask, give me sorrow for my sins. *Jesus, Finder of those who seek, find my soul. *Jesus, Opener to those who knock, open my wretched heart. *Jesus, Redeemer of sinners, wash away my iniquities. *Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 7: Desiring to reveal the mystery hidden from the ages, O Jesus, You were led as a sheep to the slaughter, and as a lamb before the shearer was silent. But as God You rose from the dead, and did ascend into heaven with glory, and along with Yourself, You did raise us who cry: Alleluia. (3x)

Oikos 7: A wondrous creation did the Creator reveal when He appeared to us: without seed He was incarnate of the Virgin; He rose from the tomb without breaking its seals; and in the flesh He entered the Apostles' room when the doors were shut. Wherefore, we marvel, singing: *Jesus, uncontainable Word. *Jesus, inscrutable Logos. *Jesus, in comprehensible Power, *Jesus, unfathomable Wisdom. *Jesus, indescribable Deity. *Jesus, immeasurable Dominion. *Jesus, invincible Kingdom. *Jesus, infinite Sovereignty. *Jesus, supreme Strength. *Jesus, eternal Authority. *Jesus, my Creator, have compassion on me. *Jesus, my Savior, save me. *Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 8: Seeing God strangely made man, let us become strangers to this vain world, and raise our minds to things divine. For this cause did God descend to earth, to raise to heaven us who cry to Him: Alleluia. (3x)

Oikos 8: The Infinite was wholly present here below, yet in no wise absent from the realm on high, when He voluntarily suffered for our sakes, and by His death, put to death our death, and by His Resurrection, granted life to them that sing: *Jesus, Sweetness of heart. *Jesus, Strength of the body. *Jesus, Splendour of the soul *Jesus, Sharpness of the mind. *Jesus, Joy of the conscience. *Jesus, sure Hope. *Jesus, eternal Memory. *Jesus, high Praise. *Jesus, my most exalted Glory. *Jesus, my Desire, reject me not. *Jesus, my Shepherd, recover me. *Jesus, my Savior, save me. *Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 9: All the angelic world ceaselessly glorifies Your most holy name, O Jesus, crying in heaven: Holy, holy, holy. But we sinners on earth with lips of clay exclaim: Alleluia. (3x)

Oikos 9: Worldly orators we see to be mute as fish concerning Thee, O Jesus our Savior. For they are at a loss to say how You remain both immutable God and perfect Man. But we, marvelling at the mystery, cry aloud with faith: *Jesus, eternal God: *Jesus, King of Kings. *Jesus, Lord of Lords. *Jesus, Judge of the living and the dead. *Jesus, Hope of the hopeless. *Jesus, Consolation of mourners. *Jesus, Glory of the poor. *Jesus, judge me not according to my deeds. *Jesus, cleanse me according to Thy mercy. *Jesus, drive from me despondency. *Jesus, enlighten the thoughts of my heart. *Jesus, give me the remembrance of death. *Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me. 

 Kontakion 10: Wishing to save the world, O Dayspring of the east, You came to the darkness of our nature and did humble Yourself even unto death. Therefore Your name is exalted above every name, and from the divisions of heaven and earth You hear: Alleluia. (3x)

Oikos 10: Eternal King, Comforter, True Christ, cleanse us from all impurity as You did cleanse the ten lepers, and heal us as You did heal the avaricious soul of Zacchaeus the publican, that we may cry to Thee calling with compunction: *Jesus, incorruptible Treasure. *Jesus, unfailing wealth. *Jesus, strong Food. *Jesus, inexhaustible Drink. *Jesus, Garment of the poor. *Jesus, Defender of widows. *Jesus, Protector of orphans. *Jesus, Help of laborers. *Jesus, Guide of pilgrims. *Jesus, Pilot of voyagers. *Jesus, Calm of the storm-tossed. *Jesus, my God, raise me who am fallen. *Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 11: Tenderest songs do I, though unworthy, offer Thee. Like the woman of Canaan I cry to Thee: Jesus, have mercy on me. For not my daughter, but my flesh is cruelly possessed by passions and burning with fury. Grant healing to me who cry to Thee: Alleluia. (3x)

Oikos 11: Paul once persecuted Thee, the light-giving Lamp of those in the darkness of ignorance. However, he hearkened to the power of the voice of divine knowledge, and lit the light of spiritual sight. Do Thou also shed light upon the darkened eyelids of my soul, as I cry: *Jesus, my most mighty Monarch. *Jesus, my most powerful God. *Jesus, my most immortal Lord. *Jesus, my most glorious Creator. *Jesus, my Guide most good. *Jesus, my Shepherd most compassionate. *Jesus, my Master most merciful. *Jesus, my Savior most clement. *Jesus, enlighten my senses, which are darkened by passions. *Jesus, heal my body, which is wounded by sins. *Jesus, cleanse my mind from vain thoughts. *Jesus, keep my heart from evil desires. *Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 12: Grant me grace, O Jesus, You who looses all debts, and accept me, a penitent, as You did accept Peter who denied Thee, and call me who am downcast, as of old You did call Paul who persecuted Thee. Hear me crying to Thee: Alleluia. (3x)

Oikos 12: As we sing of Thine incarnation, we all laud Thee, and with Thomas we believe that Thou art Lord and God, Who sits with the Father and will come to judge the living and the dead. In that day grant that I may stand at Thy right hand, for I call out:
*Jesus, pre-eternal King, have mercy on me. *Jesus, fragrant Flower, fill me with Thy fragrance. *Jesus, beloved Fervency, warm me. *Jesus, everlasting Temple, shelter me. *Jesus, Garment of light, adorn me. *Jesus, priceless Jewel, gleam upon me. *Jesus, precious Pearl, beam upon me. *Jesus, Sun of righteousness, give me light. *Jesus, holy Light, make me bright. *Jesus, save me from sickness of soul and body. *Jesus, rescue me from the hands of the adversary. *Jesus, free me from the fire unquenchable and other eternal torments. *Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Kontakion 13: O sweetest and all-compassionate Jesus, accept now this our small supplication, as You did accept the widow's two mites, and keep Your inheritance from visible and invisible enemies, from foreign invasion, from disease and famine, from all tribulations and mortal wounds, and from future punishment deliver all who cry to Thee: Alleluia. (3x)

Then the first Kontakion and Oikos are repeated:
Kontakion 1
O Mighty Leader in battle and Lord, Conqueror of hell, I, Thy creature and servant, offer Thee songs of praise, for I am delivered from eternal death. Since You possess ineffable loving-kindness, set me free from every peril, as I cry: *Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.
Oikos 1: Creator of angels and Lord of hosts, open my perplexed mind

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