Sunday, April 8, 2012

A Universal Christian Prayer

O Lord Jesus Christ our God, we believe in you: increase our faith.
We trust in you: strengthen our trust.
We love you: let us grow to love you more and more, as we gain experience and knowledge to grasp deeper and deeper meaning of your love.
We are sorry for our failures, deepen our sorrow, help us to understand the sins we do not yet comprehend.
We worship you as the Alpha and the Omega, not just of the universe of things, but our beginning and the culmination of our living.
We praise you as our constant help in our need, and call on you as our loving protector.
Guide us to your Wisdom, your Holy Spirit, show us true judgment, comfort us in your mercy, protect us with your army of Saints and Angels, by your power O Lord.
We offer you, O Lord, our humble thoughts and stand in awe why that offering should have any meaning to you.  May our heart become so imbued with your Love, O Lord, that our minds may constantly flow with your wisdom, that the subtext of our words are always filled with your wisdom and love reflected in our actions. May our actions reflect our struggles for the good and be the course of our life, the liturgy of our living for your great Glory.
We want to do what you would have for us to do, for as long as you would have us do it, because it is what you have and want for us.
O Lord, enlighten our understanding, strengthen our will, purify our hearts, and make us holy.
Help us to repent of our sins and to resist future temptations.
Help us who know and call upon your precious name, to rise above our weaknesses common to humanity, and to grow stronger.
Again, let us love you, our Lord, and our God, and see ourselves as we really are, those attached to your healing grace, drawn to your salvation, Christians called to respect and love all whose lives we touch, those in authority over us and those under our authority, our friends, our enemies, even the stranger on the street in need.
O Lord help us to conquer bitterness; teach us the sinless anger, teach us not to accept the seeds of bitterness Satan tries to feed us.
Teach us the strength of gentleness; turn our greed to generosity, our apathy to fervor, our fear to certain knowledge of your providence, our panic in times of violence to the resolve of the warrior, our cynicism to shame, a challenge to our own lack of responsible action.
O Lord, teach us to know we are "some one" when we in frustration ask that question, "Why doesn't some one do something about this?" Awaken us to wise perception which guides love-imbued actions.
Teach us to reach out to others, willing to appear the wise person or the fool, in so doing.
Make us insightful in planning, and courageous in taking risks for the good.
Make us patient in suffering, unassuming in prosperity.
Keep us, O Lord, attentive at prayer, temperate in food and drink, diligent in our work, firm in our will to do what is right and needful.
Let our conscience be clear, our conduct filled with love, our speech circumspect, our daily lives ordered by your will for us.
Teach us the guarding of the mind, so that we learn which thoughts and ideas are of The Lie and The Liar, so that we may immediately reject them. Teach us to recognize Truth, no matter where Truth is found, and to absorb Truth; let us not be hypnotized by the entertainment of this world, those which teach knowledge that defiles.
Bathed in your Love, let us cherish virtue, and come at last to sanctity.
Teach us to realize the movement of time, that our real future rests in Your Body, in Your Life and that the future for all whom we know is ultimately in your Mercy.
Make us lights Lord, that draws those who hurt, who are lost, who do not know love, to You.
Help us prepare for death with a proper fear of judgment, but with a greater humility in our Trust in Your Goodness, and your plan for us.
Lead us to a peaceful and quiet death Lord, surrounded by our Guardian Angels to protect us from demonic temptations while carrying us to the endless joy of the many mansions you have created for those who know you and call upon your name.
Grant this O Lord, via Your Father, through your Holy Spirit. - Amen. - Archpriest Symeon Elias, inspired by many teachers.

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